How to Set Goals as an Affiliate Blogger


When starting an online business as an affiliate blogger, just as you do any business, it is important to set goals. Setting goals can mean the difference between being successful and being a complete failure. They are absolutely vital to your success! 

Write them down!

To get started setting goals for yourself and your blog keep it simple as well as challenging. Make sure that you set goals that you are possible to achieve. This ensures “wins” in the beginning. When that first sale comes through it will feel rewarding adding the motivation to continue. Set yourself up to succeed and follow the following suggestions. 

Know your Numbers

From Day 1, set up analytics on your blog. This can be done with Google Analytics (free) or MonsterInsights, a free WordPress plugin. Measuring progress and results consistently enables you to know if you are meeting, exceeding, or missing your goals. Set up your system to check your numbers. 

Setting Affiliate Blogging Goals

Categories goals fit into as an affiliate blogger

Income goals – At first, making money may be slow. Incrementally, as you gain momentum, the income will increase. Once you reach one income goal, set another one and repeat that process as you become more experienced.

Traffic goals – Traffic will be key to your affiliate blogging success. It is something to work on every day for your blog. Set goals related to getting traffic to your offers so that you are making money. 

Content goals – Setting goals for content range from creating it to how well it converts your readers into buyers, and everything in between.

Metric goals – Metrics, your numbers, are found using whatever analytics tool you’re. The goal is to work to raise your metrics. The ones you want to become very familiar with are conversions, clicks, bounce rates, time on your site, etc. introduced in this blog post.

Productivity goals – Focus and getting things done is one of the challenges that affiliate bloggers face. Set SMART, realistic goals, prioritized to help you be productive and get all of the different pieces of the work completed.
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound Goals

Write your goals down. Post them on your wall where you can see and revisit them. They must be somewhere that you’re constantly reminded of them. Make it a practice to check your numbers a minimum of every week at if not daily. 

 Suggested Goals as you get started: 

  1. A Productivity Timeline.  
    When the blog will be set up.
    When will you start creating content?
  2. Content Goal
    The number of posts you will create per week.
  3. Income Goal
    Make $X in a 30 day period. 
  4. Traffic Goal
    Get X amount of visitors to your blog in a 30 day period.
  5. Productivity Goal
    Number of hours a day working on affiliate blogging

Those are examples, a place to start. Set any goals that make sense to you to keep you focused and moving forward. Once you’ve gotten into the groove of things and through the beginning stages of getting started, then your goals will change, growing bigger, and more specific.

Create an Excel doc or Google Sheet to record your numbers as you grow. If you are brave enough, share it on your website to encourage others as you learn and teach what you are doing. 

Other goals to set for your affiliate blog as you start achieving success.

1. Consistently make $xx,xxx a month with your blog (Income goal)

2. Consistently get X amount of visits to your blog a month (Traffic goal)

3. Decrease the bounce rate overall on your blog. (Metric goal)

4. Increase the amount of time visitors spend on your site by X amount of time. (Metric goal)

5. Update old content that is on your blog. (Content goal)

You will add additional goals as you go that fit you. 

Know your metrics. Become very familiar with the numbers that matter. They will be your friends. Grow methodically, slow and steady.

Know that you need to be constantly reviewing and setting goals while working to achieve them. Once you achieve a goal, set a new goal. The learning curve builds on successes and misses over time.

There are opportunities to join Facebook groups on the topic of affiliate marketing. Talk with others in the group about goals they’ve set and they’re methods of achieving them. Working with and learning from others allows for you to learn from their success and what they’ve learned. It’s a great way to add ideas for goals to set and achieve them quicker by seeing what other people are doing. Affiliate marketers are a great group of people and are always willing to “flex their knowledge” to help a fellow affiliate marketer succeed. Not only will you meet your goals, but you’ll be learning more too!

And finally, don’t be afraid to fail. Every time something you’ve tried fails, it is a learning experience. When you fail to meet your goals, step back and analyze why. Then set a new goal that you can achieve. After every failure you will be that much closer to success. 

Don’t stop. Keep going after those goals!

Take a look at this free offer

Kevin Fahey, one of my favorite internet marketers, has quite a few trainings. I study him for the funnels he builds, his trainings, and to see what seems to be popular on the market. He is good at what he does taking time to train “newbies” in his process. I found this course – currently free – that dives into affiliate marketing. It is excellent.

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