New to WordPress? Try These Tips

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WordPress has been a favorite of businesses and bloggers for over ten years now, helping them to create great websites and informative posts.  This is for all those out there who are new to WordPress’s benefits and how much help it can be.  If you wonder why I highly recommend WordPress and support those who do, watch this video now.

These tips will be beneficial to those that are just starting with WordPress.

WordPress Tips:

  • If you have a lengthy title use Permalink to clean and shorten it.  Extremely long URLs are often due to long descriptive titles that you can simply shorten to include only keywords.
  • Become familiar with WordPress tools and options.  For example, the KITCHEN SINK button gives you a lot of formatting options and the SCREEN OPTIONS tab that you will find on the admin pages will also control many formatting issues.
  • Prior to installing WordPress learn all you can about it.  Become familiar with SEO (search engine optimization) and learn how to create effective content.  You want to get the most out of WordPress’s usage.
  • Before uploading images take the time to add a title and the alt attribute to improve your SEO rankings.  This information is displayed when your images are pinned to sites like Pinterest from visitors.
  • Your title and descriptions should be targeted.  They are the first words your audience will see when they find you through the search engines.  Scribe is a good SEO software you can use to assist with that.
  • Create a good schedule for your posts that will keep you motivated to post regularly.  This also enables you to write several posts and get them uploaded at specific scheduled times.

WordPress Plugins:

  • Keep your site free of any unnecessary content or comments to keep your site user-friendly.  The Askimet plugin is great for pointing out spam.
  • If your posts are getting a large number of comments that are too much to comb through you can install a plugin that will do that for you.  This makes navigation easier and keeps the site looking organized.
  • Utilize the email plugins that will allow visitors to send your posts to their email and to easily share with others.

When it comes to a great way of producing a high quality website with a blog and assisting with creating informative content, WordPress is a leader in the field.  That makes these WordPress Tips invaluable. The more you get to know what WordPress has to offer, the quicker you’ll be posting quality content to your blog consistently knowing that alone assists your business visibility in the search engines.

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get additional “How To” WordPress videos that help you set up and optimize your WordPress Website. We are updating the list rapidly.

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