Why Millions of Website Owners Choose WordPress

website building

When it comes to building a website, you have numerous options, both free and paid, to choose from.  With so many choices available how do you know which one to use?  Let’s check out what’s available on the market today and why millions of website owners choose WordPress. Competition Can’t Compete WordPress is used by…

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Backup Your Data: A Cheat Sheet for WordPress Site Owners

WordPress Backup

If you have ever had the unfortunate luck of losing files due to your computer crashing, you already know the importance of backing up your files.  Your files are constantly being changed when you share a new blog post or when a user posts a comment.  Because updates are always happening, it’s vital that you…

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WordPress Security Plan for a Safe Website

WordPress Security WPWM services

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems used.  That popularity also brings the very real risk of your site being attacked. So rather than take that risk you will want to protect your site from invasions and attacks.  It’s important to understand your site’s vulnerable spots. WordPress security should be a top priority.…

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New to WordPress? Try These Tips

Wordpress screen

WordPress has been a favorite of businesses and bloggers for over ten years now, helping them to create great websites and informative posts.  This is for all those out there who are new to WordPress’s benefits and how much help it can be.  If you wonder why I highly recommend WordPress and support those who…

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